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19.05.2011, 16:50

Взгляд Gоldman Sachs на US Treasuries

Наши цели для S&P500 1375 пунктов на конец июня и 1500 пунктов на конец года, хотя мы предполагаем, что путь будет более окольным, чем до настоящего времени. Прогнозы для 10-летних UST 3,5% и 3,75% соответственно на конец июня и конец декабря.

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We retain a bearish strategic bias on market direction, consistent with our expectation of a rebound to above-trend GDP growth in H2:11 and a further increase in core inflation. Our forecasts for USTs are 3.50% and 3.75% for 10-yr USTs by end-June and end-December (spot: 3.13%). The corresponding numbers for German Bunds are 3.30% and 3.50% (spot: 3.1%), and 1.3% and 1.6% for JGBs (spot: 1.1%). These forecasts are higher than the forwards particularly in Euroland and Japan.

  • Yields have mirrored the relative decline of cyclical stocks in place since March. Over this period, the relationship between our Wavefront US Growth equity basket (which pits cyclicals vs. defensives in the S&P500) and the 2-10-yr slope of the US curve has been relatively tight. If recent patterns continue to hold, the yield curve could flatten by another 20bp to catch-up to where cyclicals currently trade on a relative basis. This would put 5-yr UST yields in the ballpark of 1.50% and the 10-yr in a 2.8-3.0% range. As discussed in yesterday’s Daily, however, we consider the underperformance of cyclical sectors relative to the broader index as reflecting a marked slowing in equity market growth expectations, perhaps somewhat beyond what the data currently indicate. Our price targets for the S&P500 are 1375 by end June and 1500 at year-end although we are mindful that the route there could be more circuitous than hitherto. Consistently, we would treat a further decline in intermediate to longer-dated yields as an opportunity to recommend short positions again.
  • As a cross check, our Bond Sudoku model — which links 10-yr government bond yields to 1-yr ahead expectations on GDP growth, CPI inflation and short rates in the main advanced economies — indicates that 10-yr Treasuries should currently trade at 3.3% and 10-yr Bunds at 3.15%. A breach of the yield levels alluded to earlier (i.e., 2.8% on TY10) would represent a more than 1 standard deviation departure from our measure of ‘fair value’. According to our analytics, the current term structure of rates in the major economies is stimulative. In the US, it appears consistent with negative nominal overnight rates.
  • Admittedly, growth forecasts have been sequentially revised downwards from upbeat levels at the start of the year, particularly in the US. This has been among the main drivers behind the underperformance of cyclicals and steep decline Fed hike expectations over 2013-14. But at the same time, forecasts of core inflation are increasing. In the context of our modeling work for bond yields, recent shifts in these two macro factors (lower growth/higher inflation) broadly offset each other. Feeding the model with our baseline macro projections for this year and next, we find that 10-yr US Treasury and Germany Bund yields should end 2011 at around 3.5%, or above. This is at least 30bp higher than the current year-end forward rate.

GS осуществляет фундаментальную оценку доходностей UST на основе облигационной модели Судоку (Bond Sudoku model), которая связывает 10-летние UST c ожидаемым через год ростом ВВП, CPI, и краткосрочными ставками в основных мировых экономиках.

В настоящий момент такая оценка дает значения: для 10-летних UST 3,3% и 10-летних германских бондов 3,15%.

В случае снижения 5-year и 10-year UST ниже 1,5% и 2,8-3% соответственно, GS рекомендует открывать по ним которкие позиции.

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